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PMC Farming Simulator 22 (FS22) Stories
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2023-10-13T15:28:00Z New farming day has started, again no idea whats coming today, most likely multiple things, I'll figure them out one by one.
This savegame now has 134hrs 41min on it.
First checked animals on production inspector, everything is on green. Then checked animals physically in the 3d world, Pig Barn 1 has slurry 133.9k liters oh wow that much even after refilling samson pg ii 35 twice from it with sugar beet F07 fertilizing. Chickens and sheeps are all good, have food and pallet spawn points have plenty of space, everything is looking OK.
Then off to check fields and crop calendar. F07 is growing sugar beets, fully fertilized and herbicide sprayed. F13 is growing barley, fully fertilized and herbicide sprayed. F29 is harvested corn and fertilization 0%. F08 is growing canola, fully fertilized and herbicide sprayed. F06 is growing grass only fertilization 50%.
Copy-pasted list of field works to accomplish, so getting to work on those right away.
Going to use fendt 939 vario with samson pg ii 35 slurry spreader to fertilize as long as the 133.9k liters of slurry last. First one is F06 which is quite a bit away from the pig farm yard, but I'm in no rush, while autodrive and courseplay-gui garbage is running that fertilization task I'm going to take massey ferguson and bredal k165 to F29 and get started on that fertilizing.
2023-10-13T15:42:00Z Started fertilizing F06, courseplay, ETA 54min.
Hopefully autodrive slurry refill waypoints work OK so it would be hands free operation for me.
The performance FPS lag is so bad right now on chicken and sheep farm yard that it dips to below 30FPS, this is unacceptable and I'm facing a real problem, either I have to move this savegame permantently to PMC Gaming computer which is a single screen nvidia RTX 3060 TUF Gaming 12gb GPU without any performance issues, or I need to spread out my equipment to other farm yards to park into. Basically with the eight chicken coops, four sheep barns, bee hives, seed production building and meridian flat bottom bin 3608... I cant park any vehicles in that farm yard anymore, performance is that bad.
Purchased 8 big bags of solid fertilizer for 14.5k, refilled bredal k165.
2023-10-13T15:52:00Z Started fertilizing F29, courseplay, ETA 42min.
Alright this is more like it, getting some fertilizing done with two field work courses running at the same time, nice
While waiting for field works to progress I was checking out PMC Super Six 6km ESC mapview, its interesting how tiny sugar beet F07 is, at some point when pig farming expands to crazy levels I most likely have to shift sugar beet harvesting into F13 and barley to some other larger field. Or who knows maybe yearly harvesting of F07 sugar beets is enough to maintain even a large hogg operation as root crops is the lowest percentage feed ingredient for pigs. Interesting to see. But if I would shift sugar beet harvests to F13 then it would require professional level root crop storage building with massive capacity to store all those beets that come out of such harvest, also a large sugar beet harvester and that amity beet cart.
2023-10-13T16:34:00Z Finished fertilizing F29.
F06 fertilizing was not even 25% when night was clearly falling soon, with all these long slurry refill trips to the pig farm yard I wonder if this field work can be completed in daylight hmm. I could of course speed it up by taking bredal k165 over there, but this is not really an urgent matter in that sense, I'll let samson pg ii 35 run its course, at least until pig barn 1 runs out of slurry.
2023-10-13T17:08:00Z That's it, pig barn 1 is out of slurry, last 30k liters is onboard samson pg ii 35 tanker heading back to F06 now. I used massey ferguson to hook up bredal k165 and its heading to F06 to finish the fertilizing task.
2023-10-13T17:18:00Z Slurry has been spread, sending samson pg ii 35 back to pig farm yard for parking.
2023-10-13T17:48:00Z Finished fertilizing F06.
Its getting dark now at mar in-game 1845hrs, just going to park bredal k165 away in pig farm yard and then time accelerate to the next day, which is corn planting season and wool best market price day.
2023-10-13T17:57:00Z And at this point I was getting really tired without any mental energy to push forward to the next seasonal event, saved game and exited FS22, will take a nap or at least a break...
2023-10-13T22:34:00Z Took a nap, watched last part of xr-renegades real life alger ohio twitch stream, ate a lunch and now started FS22 back up. Okay time to farm as long as I can stay awake today. Oh and this also kicks off my weekend of farming, plan is to press as hard as I can on this Animal Game-mode #1 savegame now, by late sunday evening / monday morning I hope to have just incredible progress done, this savegame and story already has so many hours and pages in it that its time to turn up the heat.
No I'm not going to start selling soybeans or doing contracts, that would be super easy way to make money, well OK perhaps not soybeans because I have to feed chickens and sheeps between time accelerations now, but yeah I could make few millions with contracts easily, probably 10m or more, but no, contracts and grain selling is for Start From Zero savegames as stated long time ago, I'm just going to work super hard (PMC Super Hard Six... err what? HOHO 'funny') to grow my farm today, saturday and sunday. No excuses, no laziness, no boredom, just cracking some skullz and taking names
Apr in-game 0622hrs good morning PMC Super Six 6km, how are ya this fine morning?
Okay time to haul wool to Six Food and Ingredients selling point before getting field work started. Hmm actually, why couldn't I do both at the same time hmm, indeed. Need to take fendt 939 vario and hook it up with kinze 3665 planter, then start it on corn planting.
Budget now 1.098m.
2023-10-13T22:46:00Z Sold wool at Bean Commodities Ltd for 49.8k.
Refilled kinze 3665 planter with seeds, then autodrive sent off fendt 939 vario to F29 W, getting ready to planting time...
2023-10-13T22:53:00Z Started planting corn F29, courseplay, ETA 1hrs 41min.
Okay now things are rolling forward smoothly, getting it done. This will be another long field work course duration, that wool selling will finish way before corn planting is done, but I'll figure out something to do in the mean time.
2023-10-13T22:56:00Z Sold wool at Bean Commodities Ltd for 55.3k.
Feels good to put corn in the ground again, then wait a bit more to get started with harvesting barley and canola, cant wait.
2023-10-13T23:06:00Z Sold wool at Bean Commodities Ltd for 55.9k.
2023-10-13T23:17:00Z Sold wool at Bean Commodities Ltd for 58.4k.
2023-10-13T23:24:00Z Oh right, already forgot how things work in this farm, kinze 3665 requires seed refills on F29 corn planting, it just ran out of seeds, dang it.
2023-10-13T23:26:00Z Sold wool at Bean Commodities Ltd for 58.7k.
2023-10-13T23:36:00Z Sold wool at Bean Commodities Ltd for 55.3k.
2023-10-13T23:45:00Z Sold wool at Bean Commodities Ltd for 56.5k.
2023-10-13T23:55:00Z Sold wool at Bean Commodities Ltd for 58.8k.
Next up was last remaining wool pallets, 3.1k liters worth.
2023-10-14T00:05:00Z Sold wool at Bean Commodities Ltd for 11.7k.
That's it, all the wool for this year has been sold, budget now 1.559m
2023-10-14T00:08:00Z Kinze 3665 is out of seeds, Part II.
This reminds me, not sure which one is better, a pickup truck with seed tender or simply upgrade to 2 * kinze 4905 planters for that extra capacity and therefore endurance. Would be kind of fun to drive pickup truck with seed tender, but a long term solution would be more planters.
Diesel refueled massey ferguson, she was again running low on fuel.
Another seed refill option would be to strautmann 802 sek autoloading trailer haul seed pallets to the planter, except seed production building does not eject pallets, you can only refill containers aka vehicle trailers with it. On the really long term I'm going to get a semi-truck and convey-all cst 1550 or what was that truck trailer seed tender, that gives some nice capacity.
2023-10-14T00:15:00Z Kinze 3665 is planting corn again, this should be the last refill trip, next up is finishing this field work course.
While waiting for corn planting to finish I already brought out rubicon 9000 to F29 with courseplay-gui garbage field work course loaded and ready to go, shes got 8.8k liters of herbicide in the tank, cant recall if one tank is enough for this field.
Was looking what else could I do while waiting, corn planting ETA 24min as I'm typing this, but cant find anything to do, sure I could feed animals but they are not even 50% yet so it would be just something to do while passing time. Nothing progress making work pending in the farm currently, just have to wait until corn planting is done. Then herbicide spraying and fertilizing, after that corn and sugar beet planting season is done for this year. Next up is barley harvest in jun, then canola in jul, then corn and sugar beet at oct.
Then massey ferguson picked up bredal k165, it had plenty of solid fertilizer left, autodrive sent The MF to F33 N, everyone gathers waiting for their turn on F29 now.
2023-10-14T00:42:00Z Finished planting corn F29.
Then I fixed headland corner leftover spots, not that it makes any difference on yield but I just didn't want to see those missed spots while working on this field.
2023-10-14T00:45:00Z Started herbicide spraying F29, courseplay, ETA 22min.
Make a hole! Big Beast coming through!
2023-10-14T01:04:00Z Finished herbicide spraying F29.
2023-10-14T01:06:00Z Started fertilizing F29, courseplay, ETA 42min.
During this field work course all I could do is sit and wait, nothing else to do around the farm, I tried to look something to do but nope, nothing to do, so I have to admit got a bit bored here, I love farming now today and plan on farming this weekend, but since FS17 I have been watching literally hundreds of hours of bredal k165 fertilize fields so this is nothing new to me, its perfectly normal to get bored watching this. I wish there was something to do around the farm but just have to wait until bredal is done and then can continue time accelerating towards barley harvest season...
Been eyeballing the dealership sales, convey-all 1690 auger pipe is on sale for -63% off, kind of tempted to buy that soon my farm needs a second grain bin and most likely I'll get meridian flat bottom bin 3609 (that slightly bigger one), so this second auger pipe would definitely be required.
2023-10-14T01:46:00Z Finished fertilizing F29.
Alright now begins time accelerating until barley harvest season begins. Will be cool to be back harvesting soon again.
May in-game 0921hrs well, F06 grass field is now ready to harvest, it would be kind of wicked to do another silage bale harvest, the money I would get from that would be beyond imaginable... but it would also be, hmm how many hours did it take from start of mowing to the last wrapped bale pile stacked by the side of the field... many hours for sure. The existing silage bale pile will make me over a million depending of the market price. Hmm yeah I wont be harvesting that before selling the previous bales off.
Took massey ferguson to chicken and sheep farm yard and fed chickens, all done for today.
Jun in-game 0653hrs barley harvest season begins now
Drove claas lexion 8900 to chicken and sheep farm yard, unhooked header + header trailer, then diesel refueled it, would have ran out of fuel before this harvest season was over.
Then drove fendt 939 vario with kinze 1121 harvest commander grain cart to diesel refuel before going to F13 for grain cart duty.
2023-10-14T02:17:00Z Started harvesting barley F13, courseplay, ETA 1hrs 48min.
Used brantner grain trailer to dump full 34k liter load of barley into seed production building and turned production on, gimme my seedz
Barley harvest is going good, but now its my lunch break, combine has to stop when it gets full...
2023-10-14T03:40:00Z Feeding time is over, back to driving grain cart.
2023-10-14T04:24:00Z Finished harvesting barley F13.
Farm grain bin silo 1 now has 534.2k liters of barley and 366k liters of corn, that makes meridian flat bottom bin 3608 91% full, which means... I cannot get corn not to mention canola harvest stored there. Next I need to buy another farm grain bin silo, will be interesting, where to place it etc.
However next farm task is to bale straw from F13.
2023-10-14T04:39:00Z Started baling straw F13, inner rows. Now the problem is that courseplay-gui garbage field work course is for 18.2m header, single tool, but I have two balers and want to use them... so I have to manually set second tractor on somewhere middle of the field work course. Will be tricky.
2023-10-14T05:09:00Z Tractors reached each other, now massey ferguson is finishing one last inner row, then its just two headlands.
2023-10-14T05:23:00Z Finished baling straw F13.
Then dropped balers off at pig farm yard and picked up anderson rbm2000 bale collectors and headed back to F13.
2023-10-14T05:30:00Z Started collecting straw bales F13, 2x tools.
The usual plan, will stack bale piles by the edges of F13.
2023-10-14T05:46:00Z Finished collecting straw bales F13.
Game statistics show bales produced in this session 130. Okay so now one more day time acceleration and then canola harvest season begins.
Jul in-game 0718hrs canola harvest season begins, problem now is grain bin silo capacity, I ain't got any room left. Hmph. Well buying meridian flat bottom bin 3609 is easy, to place it on pig farm yard, or hmm maybe chicken and sheep farm yard next to the other bin, I just hate how growded that farm yard gets its like downtown new york city (not that I've ever been there but seen some videos hehe).
Drove claas lexion 8900, fendt 939 vario with kinze 1121 harvest commander and massey ferguson with penta db50 trailer to F08 W. Then drove massey ferguson to chicken and sheep farm yard because I need to move convey-all 1690 auger pipe there.
Reasons I didn't want to place new grain bin into pig farm yard which has a lot of free space is that I'm not sure how cattle / dairy cow barns fit into pig farm yard if there is a grain bin silo already, also its just easier to have grain bins in one location so auger pipe don't need to be driven from farm yard to another.
2023-10-14T06:06:00Z Purchased meridian flat bottom bin 3609 for 84k, budget now 1.466m. This grain bin silo capacity is 1.1m liters.
Then used massey ferguson to pull convey-all 1690 auger pipe to this new grain bin which is called now "Grain Bin 2". Its ready to receive 1.1m liters of grain, should last one harvest season just fine
But now before I start canola harvest I need to take a quick shower before I get tired and then be too lazy to do it.
2023-10-14T06:28:00Z Back, now going to get that canola harvest started.
2023-10-14T06:32:00Z Started harvesting canola F08, courseplay, ETA 1hrs 45min.
Aayeah lets do this
2023-10-14T06:58:00Z Purchased 3 * 60 adult pigs, budget now 1.363m.
Had to buy pigs as now I dumped canola into pig feed silo, so now there is plenty of all food ingredients, also I cannot see food statistics before I actually buy at least one animal
Rest of the canola goes to farm grain bin silo 2.
Pig statistics: food 88%, base food (50%) 32%, grain (25%) 18%, protein (20%) 21% and root crops (5%) 20%. Animals 180 / 2400. Let the growth begin
2023-10-14T08:11:00Z Finished harvesting canola F08.
Farm grain bin silo now has 217.2k liters of canola.
2023-10-14T08:25:00Z Saved game and shut down FS22, its already my bed time so time to call it before proceeding to the next seasonal event. More farming tomorrow.
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