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Animal Game-mode PMC Super Six 6km Farming Simulator 22 Stories

PMC Farming Simulator 22 (FS22) Stories

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2023-10-10 Northern Corn Harvest

2023-10-10T21:48:00Z New farming day has started, took a one day break from farming, just didn't feel like it yesterday, today's goal is to start corn field harvest and somehow get all the corn into my existing chicken and sheep farm yard grain bin silo, meaning not sure if it all fits there and also trailers, I got two tractors and trailers but it might be huge task to get the big corn field harvested and corn manually dumped into the auger pipe input as autodrive cant do it, or at least I dont know how.

This savegame now has 110hrs 15min on it.

Hmm but uh oh, when I loaded this savegame there was now an error:

2023-10-10 21:48   Error (C:/FS22.Mods/FS22.Settings/savegame3/FS22_BetterContracts.xml): Failed to validate xml path 'BetterContracts#ferment' for 'BetterContracts'. Path not registered.
2023-10-10 21:48   Error (C:/FS22.Mods/FS22.Settings/savegame3/FS22_BetterContracts.xml): Failed to validate xml path 'BetterContracts#forcePlow' for 'BetterContracts'. Path not registered.

Plus call lua stack errors to go along with those. This is brand new better contracts version, hmm guess I'll have to exit FS22 and restore the older version since I don't even do contracts in this savegame, no reason to update it to the latest which apparently gives errors on old savegames.

2023-10-10T21:55:00Z Got older version restored and now I'm not going to bother upgrading better contracts for this savegame (or my symlink source dir in the first place), I'll let the github code to mature, maybe I can submit a issue ticket about those errors.

2023-10-10T22:04:00Z Started harvesting corn F29, courseplay, ETA 2hrs 56min.

Oh wow three hours of corn harvest Smiley :o

2023-10-10T22:33:00Z First grain trailer load (penta db50) is heading towards Pig Barn 1 farm yard, I'm driving manually for now.

Dumped the whole first 55k liter corn grain load into Pig Barn 1 feed silo, this doesn't yet solve the health issue, but once canola and sugar beets have been harvested, then I got full ingredients setup for pigs.

2023-10-10T22:59:00Z Dumped 55k liter penta db50 load of corn into seed production building and turned production back up again. You can never have enough seeds Smiley :p

I think F29 yields so much corn that there is plenty for even seed production building, even though the reason I do this corn is base food for pigs.

Technically I wrote this during proof reading this page, I was too busy to write anything while playing and ALT-TABbing so got to add something now. So massey ferguson was pulling penta db50 silage trailer and fendt 939 vario was on kinze 1121 harvest commander grain cart duty. Autodrive ran then both but grain cart tractor did not have working waypoints and target points set, so I had to do unloading manually, only at the end I managed to get grain cart to unload / overload into penta db50 automatically hands free from my side. Also massey ferguson only had grain unload point as the chicken and sheep farm yard center target point without nothing to unload into, so I had to manually back-up penta db50 into convey-all yellow auger pipe to dump into meridian flat bottom bin 3608. It was not automatic, but went by "okay".

2023-10-11T00:12:00Z Now its lunch break...

2023-10-11T00:41:00Z Feeding time is over, back to corn harvest.

While I was feeding weather turned into rain, harvest is halted, ugh.

2023-10-11T00:59:00Z Saved game before time accelerating at fairly slow speed 500 speed to skip the rain.

Oct in-game 1416hrs rain has ended, corn harvest continues Smiley :)

2023-10-11T01:41:00Z Finished harvesting corn F29.

2023-10-11T01:52:00Z Parked vehicles away except claas lexion 8900 which is at F29 SW right now, saved game and exited FS22, I am not bored of playing but need to get couple of research chores done and just want clean exit from FS22 for the mean time, if I were to get tired quick then yes of course it could be that this is the last entry for the day, but I do plan on coming back for sugar beet harvest today.

2023-10-11T04:26:00Z Just finished those chores but now only have one hour left on my day and I don't even bother to fire up FS22 with sugar beet harvest waiting for me when only have so short time left. More farming next time, nites.

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Animal Game-mode Home FS22 Stories PMC Farming Index

Where to find Farming Simulator 22 (FS22) Story Content, well here of course. Read PMC FS22 Animal Playing Guide And Tutorial how to feed and take care of FS22 Animals. You think Taking Care of FS22 Chickens is hard? Wait until you try Tending FS22 Cattle in a large scale! What is the most profitable animal in FS22? Are you wondering How To Make Silage In FS22? then read this story through and you'll learn to do silage. What is The Best Tractor For Silage In FS22? overall you cant go wrong with heavy and big wheels. You will learn HOWTO Mowe Grass In FS22 Like A Pro in PMC Farming Simulator 22 Animals Playing Guide And Tutorial page. Maybe you're thinking How much honey do bees create in Farming Simulator 22? as bee's are easy to keep FS22 animals. When learning How to get started with FS22 Animal Farming? I discovered some surprising things.

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