Start From Zero PMC Undefined Farms 20km Unofficial - PMC Farming Simulator 22 Stories

Stories from the Farm


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2022-05-15 Fertilizing And Purchasing Farmland

2022-05-15T04:49:00Z New farming day has started. I wanted to play even though reason says I need to edit and if I were to play it would have to be PMC Grande Gardens 16km Start From Zero instead. But yeah, I just don't want to, undefined farms is the only thing I want to play on now.

Purchased two farma 250 grain bin silo extensions, this adds 500k liters to our farm. Not sure if its enough after we buy more land, but lets hope so.

Purchased new land lots, first was between my N and E land lots, it cost 682.9k. Then bought another right E from it for 333.4k, now all N to E land lots/fields are connected.

Budget now 963.4k.

Hmm need to invest more money to our farm, so hmm more land or hmm grain cart? Hmm no idea. This time I am careful and leave plenty of budget for product like fertilizer, herbicide and seeds. All your equipment and land wont do you any good if you got no money for product.

Was thinking of buying motherbin which could act as buffer between me driving small grain cart and semi-truck hauling stuff to the bin silo. Its the old school way from FS19 heh, but dunno, its not really needed.

Decided to buy another land lot costing 738.2k which is between W and N fields, shortens the distance between our fields.

Budget now 225.2k.

Now everything goes to product, lets just hope that is enough, we have so many fields that it might take more than two hundred thousand to get it all planted.

In our liquid fertilizer tank I purchased 50k liters for 66k.

Refilled rubicon from semi-truck tanker trailer, it had 6.2k liters. Then refilled rest from the liquid fertilizer tank. Sent rubicon to the W field with autodrive, then refilled semi-truck tanker with liquid fertilizer.

2022-05-15T05:22:00Z Started fertilizing W of shop, southern field, courseplay.

2022-05-15T05:32:00Z Finished fertilizing W of shop, southern field.

2022-05-15T05:33:00Z Started fertilizing W of shop, northern field, courseplay.

2022-05-15T05:34:00Z And now its my lunch time, yeah right off the bat, this gaming session had a late start for today.

2022-05-15T05:49:00Z Feeding time over, back to fertilizing.

Looks like rubicon ran out of fertilizer in the last pass, figures. So drove semi-truck tanker trailer there and topped rubicon up.

2022-05-15T05:52:00Z Finished fertilizing W of shop, northern field.

2022-05-15T05:54:00Z Started fertilizing next field, sorry I am not going to vaguely try to describe what field this is hehe.

2022-05-15T06:03:00Z Finished fertilizing "next field" heh oh man these field designations... Smiley ;)

Then started the next field after that towards north... well dunno, I think this time I'll just do these fields and mention if something happens, because it is absolutely ridiculous as I cannot specifically describe what field I'm working on Smiley :)

2022-05-15T06:17:00Z Rubicon ran out of fertilizer on second field.

Drove semi-truck tanker trailer there and topped her up, fertilizing continued.

Had magnificent view of a farm yard from these fields.

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Checked contracts and there are now couple of crazy 100k and 200k reward ones available, could easily make some good money with those. After I've done my own fields first stage of fertilization, I need to see how bored etc I am, but thinking about it now... yeah those could be done for some quick extra cash. OK perhaps not so quick as those contracts arent done in few minutes hehe.

2022-05-15T06:40:00Z Finished fertilizing one field and had only 140 some liters left, luckily had refill truck right next to me heh. After this refill starting to work on the last "NW" field by the farm yard... which I wanna buy so bad, if it were not the bad farmland image painting hehe.

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Last field right next to the farm yard getting fertilized.

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Uuh would be so nice to own that place Smiley :)

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Nice views from this field.

2022-05-15T06:55:00Z Now the new "NW" column of fields are fertilized, moving to "N of shop" fields next. Topped up rubicon from the semi-truck tanker before heading over there.

2022-05-15T07:00:00Z Started fertilizing N of shop field group, four fields.

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And in the mean time semi-truck tanker trailer will go pickup some more fertilizer.

2022-05-15T07:04:00Z Semi-truck arrived to liquid fertilizer tank, fill her up! Hmm actually I need to buy more liquid fertilizer as it will run out from the tank now, there was 50k liters and one semi-truck load is 32k.

Purchased 50k liters of liquid fertilizer for 66k, budget now 92.7k. Uuh below one hundred grand Smiley :)

Doing last narrow line manually.

Start From Zero PMC Undefined Farms 20km Farming Simulator 22 Screenshot

2022-05-15T07:32:00Z Finished fertilizing field N of shop, 4 field group.

Refilled rubicon just because tanker truck was nearby. Next new field group will be driven manually with GPS, I can just do it so much quicker and more efficiently, also I have nothing else to do, discord chat is dead and I don't really want to ALT-TAB to watch farming videos as I don't have second monitor anymore.

Night is falling fast...

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These are nice square same size fields, might as well plow them together as a bigger field, simpler to work on. Doing that can get out of hand quickly, these road networks were made to keep field sizes small with good access, if I start to merge fields so to speak, where does it end? What is big enough field? Smiley :?

2022-05-15T07:51:00Z Out of fertilizer again, calling up the semi-truck...

Tanking in the darkness.

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Jun 2nd in-game 2033hrs, sun has set, its now dark. Horizon still is lit and moon starts to put that disgusting glow in the dark effect on. Not sure how long will I press on in the darkness, its not fun especially if you don't kind of know where you're going.

Even though I supposedly have nothing to do, driving manually with GPS is kind of... restricting, I'm constantly stressing out that I'll overshoot the turn when being ALT-TABbed even to just writing these texts where I can see fs22 on the background.

Next field will be courseplay, for sure.

Courseplay is too boring, GPS is too exciting. Nothing is ever good Smiley :D

2022-05-15T08:13:00Z Rubicon again out of fertilizer, last top-up from the tanker before it needs to go refill also.

2022-05-15T08:16:00Z Finished fertilizing these four fields, off to the next one. I am going to do this in the darkness even though I'd like to time accelerate, but contracts are waiting and I want to save as much time as possible, being afraid that if I time accelerate the contracts disappear.

2022-05-15T08:17:00Z Started fertilizing one field and started to drive semi-truck tanker trailer to the liquid fertilizer tank for a refill.

2022-05-15T08:27:00Z Finished fertilizing, now moving into the last field.

2022-05-15T08:29:00Z Last two fields under one course fertilizing started.

2022-05-15T08:36:00Z Rubicon refill, hopefully this is the last one heh.

Hmm I'm already planning that for the next season we really need to get another rubicon so that planting season goes faster, or maybe a cheaper solution would be bredal k165 as its got pretty good endurance even though its narrow spread. But rubicon would be better because it also herbicide sprays.

2022-05-15T08:55:00Z Rubicon is dry, oh why oh why, variable spray usage mod, have you abandoned me Smiley :)

Was already driving semi-truck tanker trailer back to the dealership when I noticed that forgot to fertilize one field heh, its easy to miss those without field numbers.

2022-05-15T09:01:00Z Started fertilizing the last field.

2022-05-15T09:11:00Z Finished first stage of fertilizer for all our fields, old and new.

Accepted four fertilizing contracts, very lucrative. Drove rubicon to the dealership, refilled fertilizer from the tank. Drove semi-truck tanker trailer there too and finished refilling rubicon. The night glow in the dark was so disgusting I could not stand it, so decided to time accelerate to the morning daylight now that I got those fertilizing contracts, hopefully they wont expire overnight.

But then when I time accelerated... first of all it was not RIGHT shift-r but left shift-r and then the "button" or activating time acceleration got stuck, I could not disengage it, I tried to hammer both shifts and R key and nothing happened, it was not until I pressed 7 to reduce the time acceleration I managed to bring it under control. But by this time... it had already fast forwarded the whole day, it was 2025hrs in the evening.

Heck, what was going on with the time acceleration mod now. I don't recall when my last savegame was, but with these contracts I have to risk it and save game and exit to check whats up with that mod controls.

2022-05-15T09:26:00Z Fixed the mod, it might have been older version. Started fs22 and loaded savegame up, time accelerated until jul 2nd in-game 0537hrs. Alright lets go see if the contracts still work.

2022-05-15T09:29:00Z Started fertilizing contract F09, manually with GPS.

2022-05-15T09:41:00Z Finished fertilizing contract F09, collected reward 44.4k.

Drove to the dealership where refilled from the semi-truck tanker trailer.

2022-05-15T09:45:00Z Started fertilizing contract F14, manually with GPS.

2022-05-15T10:01:00Z Rubicon out of fertilizer, trucking time.

Purchased two times 10k liters of fertilizer for 13.2k (I think it was that much). Dunno why I just didn't buy more, guess its one step ar the time approach here, cautiously Smiley :)

2022-05-15T10:06:00Z Rubicon is full, we continue this long field.

2022-05-15T10:16:00Z Finished fertilizing contract F14, collected reward 100.7k.

Two more fields left, going to do smaller first and then last one is the big whopping F13. Topped up rubicon from the semi before drove to F15, as the tanker was right nearby.

2022-05-15T10:21:00Z Started fertilizing contract F15, courseplay. I generated this course normally with one headland, but because field definition is only a single shape which leaves bunch of empty room at the edges, I started fertilizing course from inner rows instead of headland. Hopefully this saves some product as its a big field and might finish before headland is done, maybe. I can then do headland manually quick and efficient to save fertilizer product.

Rubicon ran dry before contract was finished, this is the life without variable spray usage mod Smiley :(

2022-05-15T10:46:00Z Finished fertilizing contract F15, collected reward 75.1k.

2022-05-15T10:49:00Z Started fertilizing contract F13, courseplay.

Same deal here, normal one headland course but I started it from the inner rows, lets see how this one turns out. While rubicon started fertilizing I went to refill semi-truck tanker trailer, again.

Purchased 50k liters of liquid fertilizer for 66k. Got rubicon refilled and fertilizing continued.

2022-05-15T11:16:00Z Lunch break while rubicon is doing its thing, most likely will have to refill it while eating.

Had to do refill just as I started eating, went through alright.

2022-05-15T11:31:00Z Feeding time over, back to fertilizing.

2022-05-15T11:39:00Z Rubicon refill!

2022-05-15T11:52:00Z Courseplay inner rows are done, now I need to finish this manually around headlands.

2022-05-15T11:55:00Z Finished fertilizing contract F13, collected reward 218.3k.

Budget now 438k oh my, nice contracts Smiley :)

Drove rubicon to the dealership and refilled it from liquid fertilizer tank. Then refueled diesel fuel, now she's good to go for the after planting fertilizing round. Then drove semi-truck tanker trailer and refilled it with liquid fertilizer, but there was only enough for 14.9k liters, thats fine though.

Next... umm time accelerating until soybeans planting season, cant think of anything else to do. Hmm I might now buy that motherbin, not sure, it might come handy during harvest. Hmm.

Jul 2nd in-game 0820hrs, all fields one stage fertilized, starting to time accelerate towards soybeans planting season.

Apr 1st in-game 0629hrs, soybeans planting season has started. Off to the fields.

2022-05-15T12:32:00Z Started to seed soybeans field W of shop, N-S direction driving manually with GPS.

Hey I gotta get some time with brand new bourgault 3420-100 paralink hoe drill Smiley :)

2022-05-15T13:10:00Z Finished seeding soybeans field W of shop. Seeds left 17.3k liters (tank 67% full).

2022-05-15T13:26:00Z Started seeding soybeans field NW of shop, south, courseplay.

Purchased iconik's seed refill station placeable for 7.6k, crossing fingers it works as I expect heh. It did work, awesome, now I can refill seed tender or seeder directly just by driving next to it and hit R, no "ordering" or "buying" product nonsense with some limited capacity Smiley :)

Purchased 37k liters of seeds into kinze 1051 grain cart.

2022-05-15T14:23:00Z Finished seeding soybeans field NW of shop, south.

Was surprised that seed tank still lasted, but now its only got 6.6k liters left (tank 25% full).

2022-05-15T14:26:00Z Started seeding soybeans field NW of shop, north, courseplay.

2022-05-15T14:58:00Z Bourgault 71300 air cart only has 317 liters of seeds left, stopped it for a refill.

2022-05-15T15:01:00Z Got it refilled, didn't take long. But man that kinze 1051 is small as its only 37k liters, its one and a half refills. Seed tender should have at least two refills per trip. Dunno, maybe I'll buy elmers haulmaster or the big demco cart, dunno.

Or the semi-truck pulled ... err conveyall something, but its also 43k liters only so its not two refills.

I'm not going to send fendt 942 vario with kinze 1051 to get refill now, I'll wait until this field is done, who knows maybe even next and always top-up air cart until kinze gets really low, only then I send it for a refill. Lets keep the refill trips to a minimum.

2022-05-15T15:16:00Z Finished seeding soybeans field NW of shop, north. Was actually ALT-TABbed watching latest welkers farm youtube video when this field work completed. OK getting things done.

Refilled bourgault 71300 air cart even though it didn't need it. Then drove to the next field towards E.

2022-05-15T15:22:00Z Started seeding soybeans field N of shop, all four, courseplay.

2022-05-15T15:31:00Z It was getting late for me, only 25min until my bedtime, "on paper", so decided to start shutting it down. Saved courseplay course and waited a little bit so that versatile 4wd 620 aligns itself into one of the inner rows so I can easily start it in next farming session. Then stopped it and we were ready to shut it down.

2022-05-15T15:33:00Z Saved game, exited fs22. Nites.

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