Start From Zero PMC Undefined Farms 20km Unofficial - PMC Farming Simulator 22 Stories

Stories from the Farm


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2022-05-07 Story Begins A Day Later

2022-05-07T00:35:15Z Got Nvidia RTX 3060 12gb TUF Gaming video card installed to PMC Gaming computer and while I was not planning on doing any farming today, of course I had to try the new video card out, so why not undefined farms start from zero which is very enjoyable currently in its progress Smiley :)

Edit: as said this savegame was already in progress when I started to write this story, at 2024-02-11 I have no idea how far this savegame had come before this story got started, time used is 24hrs about, money is over 400k so that means second real life gaming day, maybe. Sorry about that.

Purchased eight 2k liter liquid fertilizer tanks for hmm dunno how much. Budget now 416.9k.

2022-05-07T00:41:09Z Started fertilizing contract F08.

Start From Zero PMC Undefined Farms 20km Farming Simulator 22 Screenshot

2022-05-07T00:45:52Z Finished fertilizing contract F08, collected reward 19.1k.

2022-05-07T00:47:53Z Started fertilizing contract F25.

2022-05-07T00:50:16Z Finished fertilizing contract F25, collected reward 6.5k.

2022-05-07T00:53:23Z Started fertilizing F30, contract, manually GPS.

Start From Zero PMC Undefined Farms 20km Farming Simulator 22 Screenshot

Refilled rubicon 9000 from semi-truck tanker trailer.

Start From Zero PMC Undefined Farms 20km Farming Simulator 22 Screenshot

2022-05-07T01:05:02Z Finished fertilizing F30, contract, collected reward 32.8k.

Budget now 475.5k.

And actually that does it... I want to install Linux Mint v20.3 and ArmA 3 to one of the new Samsung 870 EVO 500gb SSD's I bought, so gotta stop farming before I got even properly started.

Honestly just doesn't feel like farming, it looks great now on 4k video settings HIGH and 60FPS, but yeah my mind is on Linux and ArmA 3 Smiley ;)

2022-05-07T01:07:48Z Saved game and shutdown FS22.

2022-05-07T20:45:44Z Earlier today I installed Linux Mint 20.3 and ArmA 3 to Gaming computer, then got bored and decided to give fs22 courseplay horrendous GUI horror one more try.

Back at PMC Gaming, really bored and didn't know what else to do, what else would peak my interest, so decided to plug in Samsung 870 EVO 500gb SATA SSD with win10 + fs22 and launch this start from zero savegame.

This savegame now has 24hrs 4min in it.

Hum forgot to write down as I fertilized our own field north of the dealership using courseplay. Wanted to try some courseplay stuff for a change.

Wanted to start working our own fields because I am so sick of doing contracts, on fs19/fs22 both games across multiple savegames I have done *HUNDREDS* of contracts in recent farming game-play history. Now I need to work on my own fields, I want to create messy dirty fields Smiley ;)

2022-05-07T21:52:21Z Purchased kinze 3665 blue drive planter for 139.5k, budget now 335.8k. Hopefully we have enough money left for a combine, header and grain trailer of sorts hehe.

Purchased 4 big bags of seeds for 3.2k.

2022-05-07T22:32:56Z Started seeding soybeans to field N of the dealership.

2022-05-07T23:09:09Z Ran out of seeds (3.8k liter tank), refill time.

Purchased 4 big bags of seeds for 3.2k and refilled planter.

2022-05-08T00:01:09Z Ran out of seeds (3.8k liter tank), refill time.

Purchased 4 big bags of seeds for 3.2k and refilled planter.

Actually messed up the refilling, two of the bags got caught underneath the planter and tipped over, then I could not refill from those anymore I assume there is some weird or even bugged triggering mechanism, makes no sense that you cannot refill from a bag that is RIGHT NEXT to your implement.

2022-05-08T00:45:59Z Finished seeding soybeans field N of the dealership.

Courseplay messed up in one nasty spot, cant really blame it, kinda, so overall it was a good performance. Field got seeded with soybeans, nothing wrong with that Smiley :)

Purchased six 2k liter liquid fertilizer tanks, refilled Rubicon 9000. Lets fertilize that newly seeded field if it accepts fert...

2022-05-08T00:53:25Z Started fertilizing field N of the dealership.

Purchased one 2k liter liquid fertilizer tank, heh. Refilled semi-truck tanker trailer and drove it near the field in anticipation as rubicon will run dry very soon.

Courseplay course failed, rubicon started to drive into random direction slowly, ugh. New game, new courseplay... old bugs.

2022-05-08T01:22:31Z Refill time.

2022-05-08T01:29:38Z Finished fertilizing field N of the dealership.

Then time accelerating started to have this soybeans field grow, most likely there will be weeds, lets see. Its now aug in-game 1358hrs.

Purchased 2k liter herbicide tanks and refilled rubicon.

2022-05-08T01:43:27Z Started spraying herbicide field N of the dealership.

2022-05-08T02:10:31Z Refill time. Didn't even realize I had semi-truck tanker full of herbicide, all 32k liters heh.

Was thinking that whoah this field has sucked so much of my money as budget now 291.7k, almost feels like half of my money is gone heh well not quite. But when thinking about how much money does soybeans field of this size do when its +95% yield bonus... yeah, its gonna be a lot Smiley :)

Drove the last parts manually and with GPS, courseplay is just too slow for these narrow parts.

2022-05-08T02:16:10Z Finished spraying herbicide field N of the dealership.

Saved game and walked to the field to admire my handywork. Hmm but why does field info tell me yield-bonus only +85% hmm? Hmm did the herbicide spraying "destroy" the crop that much? What the heck its 10% death to plants if you spray them... heh, frigging giants. What I mean is, when was the last time you saw american farming youtube real life video where farmer did something like giants bullcrap mechanical weeding or whatever when they steer players for that +100% yield-bonus achievement.

Oh well its just numbers, the money is so off anyways, I think its time for me to focus more on the simulation in farmsim instead of money, even though Start From Zero's are all about money to get land and vehicles, then harvests. So yeah.

And sure the -10% penalty for herbicide use is not any death blow of course.

Dec in-game 0930hrs, its snowing... well this cant be good for my soybeans hehe. Nah, we are cheaters with seasons off so pay no mind about that small snow storm hehe.

Alright so budget is the mentioned 291.7k so there is no way I could buy useful combine + header + grain trailer, so I need to do some contracts first. Checked contracts list and NO fertilizing/spraying contracts, but luckily tons of harvesting contracts to choose from. I sorted them by profit per minute even though I don't think that matters much, decided to take one hour estimated lasting one.

2022-05-08T02:58:47Z Accepted harvesting contract F30, delivery to PMC Sell 08, borrowed vehicles.

2022-05-08T03:10:05Z Started harvesting sunflowers contract F30, courseplay ETA is not a feature in fs22 yet Smiley ;)

2022-05-08T03:23:21Z Combine is full, first unloading.

Ugh that grain trailer is so small, it was 83% full after first combine unload heh, oh wow it will be painful to haul all this grain. I kind of think about buying my own semi-truck grain trailer wilson pacesetter as I have the money. Now also checked where PMC Sell 08 is... and its half across the terrain, oh my this is getting better and better by the minute haha!

2022-05-08T03:28:16Z Purchased wilson pacesetter grain trailer for 59.5k.

2022-05-08T03:29:32Z Grain trailer is full, okay time to haul these sunflower seeds to PMC Sell 08 delivery point.

That sellpoint is crazy far. I'm going to haul this one tractor load and then continue with semi-truck, 40k liters per load. F30 ain't that big to harvest, but this delivery distance makes this contract a straight up killer. Next time I need to carefully check how far is the delivery point.

2022-05-08T03:43:23Z Semi-truck by the combine. First unloading.

2022-05-08T03:48:51Z Delivered the only tractor grain trailer load of grain, said 16% transported. Okay its a start. And now, its my lunch break Smiley :)

2022-05-08T04:16:45Z Feeding time over, back to harvesting, hauling grain.

2022-05-08T04:25:21Z First truck load is full, heading to delivery.

2022-05-08T04:35:36Z Dumped first semi-truck grain trailer 40.7k liter load of sunflowers to delivery point, said 54% transported. Combine got full in the mean time, of course.

This delivery point is SO far away hehe.

2022-05-08T05:14:56Z Semi-truck dump. Said 91% transported now.

2022-05-08T05:26:33Z Finished harvesting sunflowers contract F30.

2022-05-08T05:46:48Z Semi-truck final delivery, contract obviously got completed, but I am surprised why it was this close, only couple thousand liters to go after the contract finished.

Collected harvest contract reward for F30, got 22.5k. Budget now 264.1k.

Hmm that was strange contract for sure, I didn't get much of any extra from the grain and the contract barely finished.

I think this is a waste of time... it sure is peanuts money, but I'm going to do one small 2.5ha plowing contract... but once I accepted F20 plowing contract... it disappeared, same for another small field, heh go figure.

Decided to time accelerate to a new day and see what happens with the contracts, no baling or fertilizing/spraying contracts available now. I'd like to go baling and while its boring as I've done so many, I could do fert/spray for the money.

Mar in-game 0911hrs, alright one fertilizing and three (aka "all") baling contracts appeared. Going to do the fertilizing first, its quick.

2022-05-08T06:13:05Z Accepted fertilizing contract for F07.

2022-05-08T06:16:17Z Started fertilizing F07, contract.

2022-05-08T06:22:40Z Finished fertilizing contract F07, collected reward 20.8k.

2022-05-08T06:26:29Z Accepted fertilizing contract F03.

Purchased two 2k liter liquid fertilizer tanks.

2022-05-08T06:29:08Z Started fertilizing F03, contract, manually GPS.

2022-05-08T06:36:54Z Finished fertilizing F03, contract, collected reward 25.1k.

2022-05-08T06:44:41Z Accepted contract for herbicide spraying F01, F06 and F08

2022-05-08T06:45:19Z Started herbicide spraying F01, contract, manually GPS.

2022-05-08T06:51:04Z Finished herbicide spraying F01, contract, collected contract reward 15.5k.

2022-05-08T06:52:28Z Started herbicide spraying F06, contract, manually GPS.

2022-05-08T07:01:21Z Finished herbicide spraying F06, contract, collected contract reward 26.5k.

2022-05-08T07:02:52Z Started herbicide spraying F08, contract, manually GPS.

2022-05-08T07:07:05Z Finished herbicide spraying F08, contract, collected contract reward 13.1k.

2022-05-08T07:12:14Z Accepted fertilizing contract F01

2022-05-08T07:13:04Z Started fertilizing F01, contract, manual GPS.

2022-05-08T07:18:30Z Finished fertilizing F01, contract, collected reward 18.2k.

2022-05-08T07:18:43Z Accepted fertilizing contract F06

2022-05-08T07:19:57Z Started fertilizing F06, contract, manually GPS.

Ran out of fertilizer, better call up the tanker truck. Purchased six 2k liter liquid fertilizer tanks.

2022-05-08T07:33:18Z Finished fertilizing F06, contract, collected reward 31.1k.

2022-05-08T07:33:43Z Accepted fertilizing contract F08

2022-05-08T07:34:43Z Started fertilizing F08, contract, manually GPS.

Hmm now I'm back doing way too many contracts driving with GPS, just what I wanted to avoid hehe.

2022-05-08T07:38:21Z Finished fertilizing F08, contract, collected reward 15.4k.

Budget now 404.5k. This money is pretty close to some top tier combines, but not exactly there. I could buy john deere t560 but that is slightly on the lower or perhaps medium size, same as case ih 7130 (or what it was) which header is awfully narrow. But then case ih 9240 jumps well over 400k so with header I don't have money for that yet.

Hmm dunno man, it would be so easy to lease big bad equipment and start selling soybeans directly to pay off loan too, but lets try to keep this Start From Zero savegame clean, no loan, no leasing, no field flipping Smiley ;)

Hmph, well gotta make a decision and beggars cant be choosers.

- harvester case axial-flow 7150 for 301.5k
- header case 3050 terraflex 28ft for 48k

Purchased the above list, budget now 55k.

Saved game and exited, I want to add the crop price monitoring mod sell trigger or whatever it was called,

2022-05-08T07:51:39Z This savegame now has 34hrs 58min in it.

2022-05-08T08:01:47Z Started harvesting soybeans field N of the dealership, courseplay.

Oh my this is horribly long looking course, 8462 waypoints, I bet I'll fall asleep before this harvest is done Smiley :)

2022-05-08T08:46:29Z Semi-truck grain trailer full, 40.7k liters. Okay time to go sell this, we have no farm bin silos to store it or money to buy one (and auger pipe).

Soybeans market price on PMC Sell 02 was 2454, not very good but yeah like said.

2022-05-08T08:50:42Z Sold soybeans 2x 49.9k, budget now 154.9k so now we are able to purchase auger pipe and farm bin silo.

Hmm wonder if we can place it anywhere hmm.

Purchased farma 500 + obi 100 for 125k, placed it near the dealership. With this bin you dont need an auger pipe as it has the unload/dump grate. This bins capacity is 500k liters.

2022-05-08T09:14:09Z Was yawning quite badly, my 17hrs been awake alarm went off like, hmm dunno at least an hour ago...

2022-05-08T10:35:50Z Uuuh I'm dead tired, in full zombi mode, gotta get some sleep. Saved game and exited FS22, nites.

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