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PMC Korkscrew 40km - Farming Simulator 22 Terrain

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2023-01-18T10:09:00Z Updated. Check PMC Terrains page for more FS22 terrains.

PMC Korkscrew 40km

Terrain size: 40960 meters x 40960 meters, which is 40 kilometers x 40 kilometers (elmcreek is 2km). Terrain type: american, fictional.

Click map image for more screenshots.

Farming Simulator 22 Terrain - PMC Korkscrew 40km Satellite Mapview

New Farmer Game-Mode

New Farmer game-mode starter buildings, vehicles and equipment.

Buildings: 4 meridian flat bottom 3608 grain bins and TrailerParkFarms 72x150 and 90x200 vehicle sheds.

Vehicles: Versatile 4WD 620 (tractor), New Holland T9.700 (tractor), Mack Super-Liner 6x4 (semi-truck), Claas Lexion 8900 (combine harvester) + Convio Flex 1380 (header) + Corio 1275C (corn header), Hardi Rubicon 9000.

Equipment: Wilson Pacesetter (trailer), Kverneland PW 100-12 (plow), Farmet Kompaktomat 1570 Max (cultivator), Amazone Citan 15001-C (seeder), Kinze 4905 Blue Drive (planter), Bredal K165 (fert/lime spreader), Walkabout Mother Bins WMB 6000 (auger wagon), Demco 2200 Dual Auger Grain Cart (auger wagon), Convey-All (auger pipe).

Products: Korn-Kali Solid Fertilizer 8k liters, Seeds 8k liters, Lime 8k liters, Corteva Herbicide 10k liters.

Farming Simulator 22 Terrain - PMC Korkscrew 40km New Farmer Vechiles


This above list of stuff allows you to kickstart your farm without any frustration because you are missing some essential item, you have all basic crop farming aspects covered here. Its now up to you if you can take the these vehicles plus 100,000 of money and conquer the whole terrain Smiley :)


Fields smallest: 28.7ha (field 8), largest 221.6ha (field 18).

Field 1 (field) : 120.895 ha
Field 2 (field) : 89.633 ha
Field 3 (field) : 38.230 ha
Field 4 (field) : 40.934 ha
Field 5 (field) : 35.301 ha
Field 6 (field) : 60.607 ha
Field 7 (field) : 38.310 ha
Field 8 (field) : 28.735 ha
Field 9 (field) : 62.207 ha
Field 10 (field) : 135.003 ha
Field 11 (field) : 122.814 ha
Field 12 (field) : 118.605 ha
Field 13 (field) : 91.990 ha
Field 14 (field) : 220.179 ha
Field 15 (field) : 199.188 ha
Field 16 (field) : 54.017 ha
Field 17 (field) : 32.159 ha
Field 18 (field) : 221.623 ha
Field 19 (field) : 218.126 ha

That list was field definition size in hectares, the actual 3D in-game fields are much larger because cultivator_density has been painted to a nice shape where field definition (the part AI uses for contracts) only covers a simple shape area.

Only few fields have field definitions (numbers, AI planting and contracts) to get players started, then it is up to the player to purchase land and farm the actual fields. This is by design, its not a bug, its not lazyness, we wanted it this way. There are plenty enough contracts to do and its challenging and fun to actually farm your own fields instead making money out of contracts when every field offers them.

Placeable Objects

When you start a savegame and not own any land with placeables, nothing shows up in ESC mapview or minimap, once you buy the land with placeables, objects like buildings appear in mapview and then you get to use them, including selling them all if you do not like their placement. No more hardcoded farm yards! Smiley :cool:

Placeable objects appear in farm yards. These building objects are for example vehicle sheds, grain bin silos, fertilizer tanks (liquid/solid), diesel fuel tank, water tank etc.

Land purchase areas are detailed so that you can buy small and cheap farm yards areas. No need to save money for big huge millions costing land area if you only want to get the cool farm yard with buildings on it.


Selling points: total of 12 selling points are distributed around the terrain. Selling points accept all grains and production chain products. Special animal dealer bale selling point is located by the ... the.. umm cant remember where heh.

Contracts: AI does planting on numbered fields, contracts are available. Plenty of money to be made on these contract fields which sizes span from small to large.

Remaining fields are just painted cultivator_density without field number or rest of the field definition. Courseplay and hired workers should function on these un-numbered fields.

Farm Manager and Start From Scratch game-modes include the AI owned farm yards with buildings, once you buy the land you own the buildings with ability to sell them all, same as in New Farmer game-mode where player owns one farm yard by default.


On 2022-01-18 PMC Korkscrew 40km terrain was our and well the whole communitys first 40km x 40km size farmsim terrain, it was meant to be the biggest and baddest thing on the hood, however before this even got released we already created and released PMC King Corn 45km which is the largest terrain in the history of Farming Simulator games. So PMC Korkscrew 40km was kind of without a purpose at that point.

Release goal was the largest terrain, but it is not the largest anymore. So much work was put into farm yards, forest/tree and utility pole lines that it would have been shame not to release this for everyone to enjoy. Still this is not your regular polished terrain with super tight details, obviously considering the size and scope.

Yes we know Corkscrew is the proper spelling with a C, but we decided to give this terrain a bit more unique name so hence the K use on the cork.

See detailed development info from dev diary PMC KorkScrew 40km page.


See Changelog PMC Korkscrew 40km for all changes since this terrain was initially created. Known issues list is also available in the changelog page.


License: CC BY NC ND, which means you are free to distribute/share the original 7-zip packet but NO commercial use and NO editing, see LICENSE.txt for details.

Required Mods

TrailerParkFarms (TPF) 72x150 and 90x200 vehicle shed packs are used for various farm yards for that authentic American farming look.

Downloads: FS22_72x150ShedPack.zip 4mb fs22-72x150-shed-pack and FS22_90x200ShedPack.zip 5mb fs22-90x200-shed-pack.

Terrain config has no checks if these required mods are present, if you do not start FS22 with these mods active you will not see some building objects, with additional errors in the log.

PMC terrains are error free, as long as player uses required mods.


PMC_Korkscrew_40km_v0.1.7z 48.4mb Torrent Magnet, mirror: google drive.

For installing please read how to install FS19 mods and how to install PMC terrain mods. Yes FS19 tutorials work just fine for FS22 in this case.

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