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Stories from the Farm
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Please read the background idea for our Farming Simulator 19 Stories so you understand what is this all about.
2024-01-20T07:20:57Z New farming day has started, just finished computer morning chores, eating days first meal and now fired up FS19 and OBS, its time to plant some soybeans.
This savegame now has 1104hrs 33min on it.
Oh my those hours played in this savegame is just jaw dropping.
So the first field I need to plant soybeans into is F156 where I parked big bud 747 with bourgault 3420-100 paralink hoe drill yesterday, this field is buggy as there is placeable buildings in the N edge, yes in the field. So I need to take pickup truck 1978 and record courseplay outline for this field first leaving out those building parts that are on the field.
Recorded some autodrive network waypoint routes, then did the courseplay outline for flawed F156 placeable object placement.
Generated courseplay field work course using the F156 outline, saved game and then it was go time.
2024-01-20T07:38:52Z Started seeding soybeans F156, courseplay, ETA 13min.
Nice and quick field work course to kickstart this farming day
Sent first big bud 747 to F148 N, its quite a drive there.
2024-01-20T07:50:42Z Finished seeding soybeans F156.
Ahh first field planted for today
Then send second big bud 747 to F149 N. Not that I'm becoming greedy, but current schedule / plan is to seed soybeans to F148 and F149, that is it for this planting season... So maybe I could see if there are any other fields nearby that I could plant considering that I'm running 3 day seasons, I would not want to run out of days to harvest in october. Most useless waste of time is to plant more fields than you have time to harvest.
If I were brave enough I could plant F68, F69 and F151, it would round up a nice little area in the south. But that is as much I dare to do with 3 day seasons, plus that I have very little memories of how long time a harvest season lasts, how many fields can you do with 3 day seasons, its better to be safe than sorry, there are thousands of hectares to farm before this savegame is done, I don't want to waste time with stupid mistakes. I think on the long run, I need to restore the 24 day season config and learn how much I can do with that time, which means massive amounts of fields to work on per season, but that also adds just insane amount of time acceleration game sync delays as it usually takes over a minute for one such sync. Needs more thought.
2024-01-20T08:01:12Z Added seeding soybeans tasks for F68, F69 and F151. That is now the whole plan for this planting season.
Parked big bud 747s to F148 and F149. Courseplay calculated field edge path and saved it. Saved game, just in case. Generated F148 courseplay field work course for a single vehicle, saved game again just in case before launching notoriously freezing courseplay.
2024-01-20T08:15:18Z Started seeding soybeans F148, courseplay, ETA 52min.
Decided to go with a single implement per field here, these are small to medium size fields, still doable with a single vehicle, more relaxed that way, no vehicle collisions etc annoying stuff.
2024-01-20T08:19:00Z Started seeding soybeans F149, courseplay, ETA 25min.
Recorded some more autodrive target points, in a progress to get route to F68 and F69.
2024-01-20T08:43:26Z Finished seeding soybeans F149.
Then drove and parked second big bug 747 to F151 E, opened its air cart product "spoon" auger, its ready to receive seed refill. Sent semi-truck tipper/6 grain trailer with seed load to F151 E, currently first big bud 747 still has 22min field work duration left.
2024-01-20T08:51:09Z Second big bud 747 bourgault 71300 air cart refilled with seeds, all good to go.
But now there is a problem, this F151 shape is just stupid, its like a long field in W-E direction with extremely narrow center part with large W and E ends, it kind of reminds me of a dumbbell that you lift in the gym, those hand weights. Dunno what was I thinking painting this field shape in GIMP, clearly I wasn't
Was considering driving manually with GPS, but hmm dunno. Maybe it would go OK with one vehicle using courseplay and two headlands, maybe. Tried it and courseplay generated diagonal course, this will take a long time to make all those turns, but oh well, its good enough.
2024-01-20T08:55:50Z Started seeding soybeans F151, courseplay, ETA 2h 12min.
Oops guess I underestimated the size of this field, over two hours field work course, whoah this is big boy stuff now
Yeah should have put two vehicles on this one, but dunno maybe it doesn't matter in the end as both vehicles are still planting all the time, just on different fields. I realized the scale of this field was all off in my eyes as I saw the yellow planted field stage being painted, it was tiny narrow one relative to the field size. Heh PMC Grande Gardens 16km field sizes on ESC mapview are deceiving me
2024-01-20T09:07:26Z Finished seeding soybeans F148.
Then sent first big bud 747 to F59 E. Autodrive duration about 15min, in these kind of traveling situations you really start to appreciate the large scale farming nature of this terrain, you don't see this long driving durations in little girlie men terrains
Refilled seeds in first big bud 747 bourgault 71300 air cart, then calculated courseplay field edge on F68 and saved game. Generated field work course for one vehicle, saved game and then it was go time.
2024-01-20T09:25:36Z Started seeding soybeans F68, courseplay, ETA 1h 49min.
Another long field work course duration, now I have plenty of time to do other things or maybe record some autodrive grain trailer waypoints or something.
2024-01-20T11:02:22Z Finished seeding soybeans F151.
Refilled seeds for the second big bud 747 bourgault 71300 air cart, but only 18k liters as thats all there was in tipper/6 grain trailer. Sent the semi-truck back towards railroad silo 1 where the 280k liters of seeds are now stored.
2024-01-20T11:09:53Z Finished seeding soybeans F68.
First big bud 747 bourgault 71300 air cart needs a refill too, next planting is delayed until semi-truck is done hauling.
2024-01-20T11:20:09Z Picked up 70k liters of seeds into tipper/6 trailer from railroad silo 1. Then headed back to F69 N.
Once at F69 N refilled first bourgault 71300 air cart with seeds and saved game. Then generated courseplay field work course, drove second big bud 747 to F69 NW, refilled it with seeds.
2024-01-20T11:35:32Z Started seeding soybeans F69, courseplay, ETA 1h 49min, 2x tools.
Big field
Okay so now its almost two hours of seeding, hmm one seed tank should last for this amount of time, when F151 got done it was 2hrs 12min and it ran almost empty but managed to finish the field, so this field should be done with one go, no refilling necessary.
I am going to somewhat "cheat" by switching to PMC DevSurf computer and watching few videos I rendered earlier, I could copy them over to PMC Gaming computer so I could ALT-TAB to watch them, but really... WHY. Its just easier and simpler to watch the videos where they are, its not like there is anything to do while courseplay is running these vehicles around the field, I checked the minimap of the course and the first inner row does have some overlap where these big air drills might collide, so I have to watch out for that, but once they get past that then its easy job, so I don't have to be here watching all the time. To save electricity I will turn off this monitor and will just check back here in lets say 20min time.
2024-01-20T12:19:25Z Yup I knew it, when I turned monitor back on big bud 747's were playing chicken, face to face, collision, CRASH BOOM BANG!
Untangled the mess and soybeans planting continues...
2024-01-20T13:20:58Z Finished seeding soybeans F69.
Aayeah, soybeans planting season is over!
I got a lunch break coming up in half an hour, decided to take a quick break.
2024-01-20T13:24:24Z Parked big bud 747s at the nearby empty area, saved game and exited FS19. Will continue playing after lunch break is over and done watching those just rendered videos.
2024-01-20T14:38:20Z Back, farming continues. First going to move claas lexion 8900s to F133 area, those are good starter fields to begin my harvest season.
Sent semi-truck grain trailer tipper/6 with half a seed load back to railroad silo 1 to dump those seeds there, I need this semi-truck for grain hauling.
2024-01-20T14:52:46Z Claas lexion 8900s with midwest durus 18.2m headers and corn headers arrived to F133 S, also fendt 1050 vario tractors with elmers haulmaster 2000 grain carts are there now. They maybe need a refuel before harvest season so its non stop action after that.
Now I just need to figure out where is the road train grain trailer tipper/6 from this temporary seed truck, hmm, its somewhere in S-SE but where exactly...
Found grain trailer from one farm yard heh, all good. Then it was time acceleration until soybeans harvest season, saved game and started, just in case there would be some horrible random weather I want to have a savegame so I can try again.
03/late-spring in-game 0941hrs, weather +13C/+14C, after time accelerating one night my fields were still "growth planted" stage, hmm I recall it should switch to germinated after one night of time accelerating. I'm going to wait few minutes to see if its just some 16.3km large terrain issue that it takes several minutes for field stages to switch all the way down here where my fields are located in the S region.
I was right, after waiting a bit more field stage switched to germinated, it was eeeeeextremely slow going through this large terrain, not sure if that becomes a problem at some point or am I just spoofed by 2km little girlie men terrains almost instant field stage switching after time acceleration. Its shameful to think that its been actually quite a while since I played FS19 8.1km (garden city) or 16.3km (grande gardens) terrains, last time was on PMC Iowa Garden City 8km back in hmm was it early 2023, almost a year ago. End of last year I played through one full Start From Zero in Lazy Acres Farm which is puny 2km.
01/early-summer in-game 1002hrs, weather +17C/+16C and raining. After FS19 Seasons game sync was done field stage was still germinated. Decided to wait and see if it changes to growing when I recall the green plants appear on the field as well.
How come I cant remember these details even though its mere month or so away (if even that?) when I played FS19 a lot, hmph
Now I will not play anymore small little girlie men terrains, everything has to be 3km or larger so I get used to the big boy stuff
After waiting for few minutes, no change in field stage yet. Its annoying as ESC mapview has all the other fields harvested stage other than my now planted ones, this is brand new seasons savegame so all fields have been reset to harvested stage. So I don't have any reference point to see in N parts of the mapview that are field stages now switching so I should just wait. Now I have to wait blindly, no idea if there is field stage coming or am I waiting for no reason.
And in the end I have no recollection if it makes any difference, if you time accelerate 6000 speed like I've done for years, will seasons game sync keep everything in order or can there still be some issues on field stages if you don't wait for them to change before proceeding with further time acceleration.
I waited few more minutes but this is enough, whether it works or not I am not going to sit 10min on my hands after each days time acceleration skip, I have to proceed with my previous knowledge which is that there are no need to wait anything, just a basic courtesy 30sec or so after each days skip.
Besides the seasons game sync already takes couple of minutes heh.
2024-01-20T15:25:56Z Now during seasons game sync dialog, green plants appeared in the field already as I can see through the transparent background (game sync dialog is still up and processing).
02/mid-summer in-game 0938hrs, weather +20C/+20C, field stage "growing" with green plants appeared on the field.
03/late-summer in-game 0938hrs, weather +20C/+21C and raining. In-game tomorrow is also raining, this has been extremely rainy spring / summer now, day after tomorrow forecast is sunshine, but I do wonder if that goes too long into the harvest season, should not but dunno, I am slightly worried. Luckily I have the savegame before starting time accelerating so if this harvest season fails due random weather, I can try this time accelerating again. This is assuming the weather is not predicted many days in advance, like 5+ days (ie months).
During next days seasons game sync dialog, green plants changed to green with white flowers, another field stage switch. But I'd say about time as its now soybeans harvest season already, huh!?
01/early-autumn in-game 0940hrs, weather +18C/+20C and raining, as mentioned above green plants with flowers on the ground, hmm very strange, unless I'm mistaken there should be one more green stage, then brown stage and after that field turns into "ready to harvest" without changing the brown stage crop 3d model / texture anymore. Or maybe I remember wrong.
I have not updated FS19 or changed any mods, so this 6000 time acceleration speed should definitely work just the same as it did back in 2021 and 2022. But hey, maybe this all sort itself out and I have no problems harvesting these crops...
I mean there is still three harvest days left, plenty of time for field stages to switch. But I just don't understand if this is now the harvest season already, why is the crop still in green plant stage. Hmph. I'm going to give plenty of time this time to see if it changes from the green plants with white flowers stage, just in case, I'm not in a hurry.
2024-01-20T15:43:57Z Okay waited for 5+ minutes, green plants with white flowers on the field, but the stage did change to darker color in ESC mapview, so something did happen. Anyways, more time accelerating and then I'll see what happens
02/mid-autumn in-game 0822hrs, weather +10C/+14C and raining. Field stage switched now directly to brown crop ready to harvest, okay perhaps I don't remember correctly about the green plant type order. But yeah now its raining, forecast predicts rain until 1500hrs, then overcast at 1800hrs. Drying potential is "(--)" until 0000hrs, then it changes to "(0)" which it remains until 0900hrs where forecast data ends.
Hmm this doesn't look very good to me...
Now begins slow time acceleration with whatever 500 or 600 speed it has (using CTRL-KEYPAD-PLUS) until crop / soil is dry for harvesting.
Time accelerated 1200 speed, rain ended around 1800hrs, but then at night time 2100hrs or so it started raining again. After midnight 0000hrs I disengaged time acceleration which brought up seasons game sync dialog again. Continued time accelerating until 0800hrs when rain had ended, another game sync dialog came up but this was not so long duration.
03/late-autumn in-game 0840hrs, weather +1C/+7C, soil is wet, forecast predicts overcast for the next two days, drying potential is "(0)" until 1200hrs, then at 1500hrs its "(+)" and then it goes back to "(0)" again. Dunno, that 1500hrs feels like the last chance of crop to dry up, then you have to count also the time it takes for me to harvest all this crop, it doesn't mean anything if crop is ready to harvest in dry conditions at the last hour of the last harvest season day before it withers.
Dunno man, my guess right now is that this harvest season failed due rain. Also I wouldn't even want to start harvesting this many fields if there is only few hours of in-game time left to get it done before new moisture comes in at night.
In-game 1640hrs crop / soil is dry, harvest is a go. Weather forecast predicts overcast skies for today and tomorrow, so even though it will be tight, I see no reason I couldn't get these fields harvested
But after I copy-pasted those start / finish lines for harvests, that chicken shit dude awakens in me, I'm now thinking that crap... I cant get that many fields done when its already late afternoon early evening now and then only tomorrow time to harvest and who knows what time moisture dries up tomorrow. But I'm going to start, one field at the time, nice and smooth...
For F133 because its narrowest spot courseplay failed to generate 4 vehicle course, had to choose 2 vehicles and then it generated really shitty diagonal course again which takes forever. At this point I have to save the game because if engaging courseplay fails, well then its "game over, man", but also if there is not enough time to harvest these fields because the rain, well dunno if I can dig up a backup savegame to restore the after planting season situation.
2024-01-20T16:09:35Z Started harvesting soybeans F133, courseplay, ETA 2h 6min, 2x tools.
Whoah two hours and six minutes, for real?
Then got fendt 1050 vario grain cart tractor out and went after the combine harvesters, also started autodrive for semi-truck grain trailer. Direct from field to selling point 3, where ever that is.
I have to admit, two vehicles under courseplay and two under autodrive, FS19 performance is extremely bad, I don't even dare to bring up FPS counter as I can just see the stutter on the screen, its below 30FPS for sure
Edit: later I checked FPS counter, it was sad depressing 20FPS at one point with all the vehicles in autodrive / courseplay control. Dunno man, that is basically unplayable levels, really bad stuff...
One thing that FS22 has going for it, is CPU multi core "threaded" support, it is pretty much rock solid 60FPS performance no matter how many courseplay-gui garbage and autodrive vehicles you throw at it. But that is pretty much the only positive feature of that game, so yeah.
This feels like such a waste of time to only run 2 claas lexion 8900s on the field while 2 others are just waiting on the side, not sure why but I don't want to start hustling the two others into next field and drive two grain carts on two difference fields even though they are right next to each other. Hmph.
Then on top of everything else I forgot to check harvester courseplay course if there is a "victory loop" around the field when headland is done, there was. Hrr. Oh well, need to pay attention on the next field.
2024-01-20T16:43:07Z Started harvesting soybeans F134, courseplay, ETA 1h 13min, 2x tools.
Got tired of waiting
First and second claas lexion 8900 collided after headland, sigh
2024-01-20T16:56:33Z And now second lexion collided with a high voltage power tower, sigh
Dunno man, maybe today is not a good day for farming, my patience is stretched to its limits just right about now...
2024-01-20T17:04:51Z My memory is coming back, these diagonal courseplay field work courses are the worst, its almost like not even worth trying to run because vehicles do a large loop outside the field on those diagonal turns, they do not respect "turn in field" or whatever the option was, not at all, vehicles go so way beyond field edges its not even funny. Yeah I am not going to do anymore diagonal field work courses, they are complete shit
Even though PMC Grande Gardens 16km is a big wide open terrain, there is still those high voltage power towers, railroad depot and pine trees near F133 and F134 that it will be several times that these idiotic diagonal field work course vehicles will collide with anything and anyone they possibly can. I highly doubt I can get through these two harvests today when few more collisions happen...
2024-01-20T17:15:39Z Collision, 4th lexion collided with railroad depot
Diagonal field work courses are fine, when you do 4 fucking headlands so no matter how far and wide the vehicles will loop out, they wont get outside the field... Just joking, I mean with two 18.2m headers like these combines have, you cant do enough headlands to fix this diagonal wide looping issue.
2024-01-20T17:19:17Z Collision, 1st combine collided with pine trees and now I have no fucking idea which course path / lane this one belongs to, sigh sigh sigh!
2024-01-20T17:23:52Z Collision, 4th lexion collided with pine trees
On every fucking turn these motherfuckers collide with something, I'm '' this close to calling it quits for today
2024-01-20T17:26:22Z Just finished untangling 4th combine when courseplay notifications already come about the next bitch who is slipping and whatnot, NNNNGGGHH!
It was the 1st combine which came out so far out from its field edge its not even funny. Diagonal ones are completely and 100% trash field work courses.
2024-01-20T17:30:31Z Now 1st lexion forgot that its field work course is on multiple tools convoy, it treated the course as a single vehicle, had to delete it and copy from another vehicle to have the left / right option appear, sigh
Why am I still playing this shit?
2024-01-20T17:31:37Z 2nd lexion was out in the boonies collided with a train, sigh
2024-01-20T17:33:34Z 3rd lexion collided with a train, sigh!
2024-01-20T17:35:29Z 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th combines have collided with something (well OK I was driving 3rd but it still counts). Why, I'm asking simply... why
This reminds me of The Benny Hill Show as they chase naked big titty girls back and forth on the yard with funny saxophone music playing.
2024-01-20T18:05:30Z Finished harvesting soybeans F134.
Fucking finally.
2024-01-20T18:15:05Z 2nd combine collided with high voltage power tower.
2024-01-20T18:16:57Z 1st combine collided with high voltage power tower.
2024-01-20T18:41:10Z Finished harvesting soybeans F133.
2024-01-20T18:44:23Z Saved game and exited FS19, good night.
Continue reading next page, Start From Zero PMC Grande Gardens 16km Home, go back to previous page.
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