Developer Diary PMC Iowa Garden City 8km FS19 - PMC Farming

2021-05-27 Road 3D Mesh Work Continues

2021-05-27T18:24:00Z New terrain editing day has started, already creating spline for the east-west direction asphalt road.

PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary

Spline coordinates are: 4094.55810547 9.91044426 1449.92602539

Third spline done with coordinates: 339.76501465 25.62941742 4094.38110352

Road 10m mesh piece placing method:

1) create spline where asphalt road is
2) run scripts -> Roads.Ditches -> Place Roads 9.8m
3) increase spline elevation with 1 meter
4) run scripts -> Roads.Ditches -> set terrain height by spline no raise no smoothing 6m
5) select road 10m piece transformgroup and increase its elevation by 1.5m or until all terrain is beneath the whole road

2021-05-27T20:09:00Z works OK:

- create spline where asphalt road is, DO NOT ROTATE IT!
- run scripts -> Roads.Ditches -> set terrain height by spline width 8m, raise 1m
- run scripts -> Roads.Ditches -> Place Roads 9.8m

This makes nice elevations kind of ditch type (sort of) and placed road objects nicely aligned on top of them.

Struggling with curves Smiley :(

PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary

2021-05-27T21:05:00Z Finished asphalt roads with splineplacement method, intersections and well connections in general look real ugly, also the long east-west road was elevated too high with improper ditch smoothness, but yeah asphalt roads are now in and will have to check in-game how they look.

More tweaks, probably like complete rework will happen later.

2021-05-27T21:13:00Z In-game test done and overall I like the roads even though there are couple of rough spots as mentioned above.

PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary

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