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Start From Zero FS17 Cornbelt Story Farming Simulator 17 - PMC Farming

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2018-10-22 Large Planting Season

2018-10-22T1042 back at PMC Gaming, time for some FS17 farming action Smiley :)
1111 finished fertilizing F35
1114 started fertilizing F09
1119 started fertilizing F33
1150 finished fertilizing F09
1155 started fertilizing F11
1207 started harvesting F45

Our farm has 1.5 million liters of soybeans and their market price just started to increase, its already $4,341 going to be another nice pay day soon.

1221 finished fertilizing F33
1309 finished harvesting F45
1320 started seeding soybeans on F50
1326 started harvesting F44
1356 finished seeding F50
1359 finished fertilizing F11
1406 started seeding soybeans on F11
1417 finished harvesting F44
1430 started fertilizing F44
1456 finished fertilizing F44
1457 started fertilizing F45
1505 started seeding wheat on F44, we need wheat for the refinery to make our own seeds
1530 finished fertilizing F45
1532 finished seeding F11
1534 started seeding soybeans on F09
1558 finished seeding F44
1600 started seeding soybeans on F45
1502 finished seeding F09
1607 started seeding soybeans on F10
1616 finished seeding F10
1641 finished seeding F45
1658 started seeding soybeans on F33
1755 finished seeding F33
1803 started seeding soybeans on F35

Took a train full of soybeans to maplefield mills to be ready for sell once price hit highest, it was $4,684 with up arrow to increase but it stalled there, few moments later it actually had dropped one dollar even though it still had the up arrow. Hmm I'm not happy to see with that price, I'd like it to break $5k but we'll see what happens. Train is parked in there now and it wont cost me a thing so I can wait, my farm silo still had like 150k liters so for immediate budget problems I could take out truck trailer and sell some.

1904 finished seeding F35

Got everything planted, only F34 is on growth stage two, if you recall I set the options plant growth rate to slow so now it will take a while for stuff to grow. Sometimes this is a problem that you don't have anything to do but wait well mostly this was a problem early in the savegame, but now it is really nice breather in the far when you just wait, relax and chill while the crops grow Smiley :)

So I went to pick up all the crude oil and took it to marys farm petrol station.

Field 51 has potatoes and should be harvested... except that I hate potato harvesting, the harvester is incredibly slow with stupid narrow header so I assume harvesting that field takes ages. Not only that but it produces huge loads of potatoes and I have no place to store them. I do have placeable for 300k liter storage capacity but yeah dunno... it is just a drag to harvest potatoes, you should only do them on a small field which would produce more than enough for your pigs to feed.

Budget is really low after the seed and fertilize costs, only $184k right now, but train full of soybeans is sitting at maplefield mills so millions are available at any moment.

Unfortunately the market prices stopped at $4,681 which while is pretty nice, its not nice enough for me. I wanna $5k before I sell my hard work.

2026 was really tired which was odd feeling after all these days of playing without taking a nap, so decided to take a nap to refreshen myself up.

2018-10-23T0016 woke up and back starting up FS17, farming continues after refreshing nap.
0026 picked up 154k liter of crude oil from marys farm petrol station by the oil tanker train, I got now 221k liter of crude oil in refinery

There was definite lul in the action as crops were growing, most in their first stage and I only had 184k budget so could not buy any new toys while I was waiting for market prices to go up again (not satisfied with $4.6k sell price).

I would want to get animals started, sure this savegame goal is to buy all the fields so why waste time with animals, but heh animals are a big part of FS17 so yeah got to have some animals. First I need is water and grass, well I have a huge water truck tanker but no mower or forage wagon to collect that stuff. I don't want to spend my last budget of buying those, also I want to go for the expensive krone big m or whatever it was which really cuts down grass quickly.

Oh also the potato field needs to get harvested but the damn harvester costs like almost half a million dollars.

0240 started fertilizing F35
0244 started harvesting F34

While harvesting F34 and things were rolling smoothly, luckily no harvester traffic accidents on the narrow northern part of the field, was thinking about purchasing a fourth harvester which actually was my plan all along, nice round number heh. So when the next batch of crops are sold, then I'll be purchasing two new holland cr10.90 harvesters and oh yeah one more semi-tipper trailer truck for the "harvesting team" that doesn't have two now. Like said, the weak link is the lack of two trucks for me on that team, the harvesters just pull in so much grain that one truck cannot keep up.

0339 started fertilizing F11
0348 started fertilizing F10
0401 finished fertilizing F10
0420 finished fertilizing F35
0421 started fertilizing F33
0456 finished harvesting F34
0517 started fertilizing F09
0531 started fertilizing F34

I really need to get fertilizer tender thing going, its too long journey for these tractors to drive from fields 9 through 11 into shop to refill. I gotta have brent avalance 1596 filled with solid and tech tank 40k liters of liquid fertilizer by the fields. Because I have to support Big Bud courseplay courses (ie driving at the middle of the road), the tractors also always get stuck in traffic when they go refill at the same time.

Maybe increase the steyr multi with KUHN EMC spreader setup to 4 tractors, they usually don't collide much on the field so 4 would be quite nice fast setup.

0557 finished fertilizing F33
0605 finished fertilizing F11
0627 started fertilizing F45
0642 finished fertilizing F09
0652 started fertilizing F44
0653 finished fertilizing F45
0716 finished fertilizing F44
0725 finished fertilizing F34
0727 too tired, naps mess me up, time to sleep Zzz...

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