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1313 back at PMC Gaming, FS17 booted up, we are back farming.
1336 after time accelerating through the night (only used 960x now) market prices started to drop. I guess my dreams of millions are again further away.
1346 started seeding soybeans on F34
Overnight running vehicle costs are $28k so with the latest seed/fertilizer purchases my budget is now only $71k so it dropped below the one hundred thousand base limit I set. Guess its time to send truck trailer to sell one batch of soybeans into closest sell point. No I don't want to sell anything from my "money train" which sits there waiting for good market prices heh, yeah call me weird but thats how I want to sell the train contents.
1449 finished seeding F34
1548 took 70k liter truck trailer load of soybeans to gunther sell point, budget now $314k
1719 took 70k liter truck trailer load of soybeans to gunther sell point, budget now $553k
With those two truck loads I can now purchase potato harvester and get to work on F51.
1724 purchased grimme tectron 415 for $429k, budget now $124k
1738 started harvesting F51, potatoes
Potato harvesting is pain, you have to manually drive some sort of trailer to pick up the potatoes and drive to where you need them to go, I mean you cannot use overloader for potatoes.
F51 is huge and I know from experience and this size field will produce incredible amount of potatoes far more than I ever need heh, so I doubt I'm going to harvest all of it. Now I just started to chip away from the western edge and thinking about proceeding as much as my patience allows heh.
Seriously potato harvesting must be the most time consuming and boring work in FS17 because of the narrow header and super slow harvester plus that you cannot use auger wagon for potatoes.
I didn't want to use courseplay to generate field work course for the whole field because it is massive within scale of this vehicle, so what I did was to drove myself a small box edge at the western edge of the field recording course and used that to generate field work course which must have been like 5% of the field. Then I let courseplay drive the vehicle and I drove the semi-tipper truck to unload the harvester.
1829 purchased root crop storage placeable for $90k, budget now $34k
This placeable is nice, but it only holds 300k liters which I consider to be low amount, of course you can place more of these but heh yep dunno. On the other hand I don't know how much potatoes pigs eat so maybe one storage full lasts for years in-game time who knows heh, maybe I'll find out in this savegame
After doing the potato thing a while it was kind of, relaxing I guess (just like FS17 in general), was thinking that I'll keep chipping away this huge field every time there is some lul in the usual farming action like right now. Crops are growing and they still take a while to get to harvest stage and without money I have not much else I could do, other than going to pick up crude oil which I assume there is very little as I just picked it up.
Only thing I'm wondering is do I have to go sell another truck load of soybeans for money as I don't have enough to buy more root crops placeables...
2151 took semi-tipper 70k liter load of potatoes to gunther sell point for $92k, budget now $126k
2156 purchased root crops storage placeable for $90k, budget now $36k
Whee I got another root crops placeable to store more potatoes
Was harvesting potatoes and watching MN Millennial Farmer from youtube, kind of relaxing but I did kind of wonder how damn long time does it take for next growth stage which is harvest, it felt like ages.
2018-10-24T0201 took semi-tipper 70k liter load of potatoes to gunther sell point for $93k, budget now $129k
0313 took semi-tipper 140k liter load of potatoes to gunther sell point for $93k + $91k, budget now $313k
0410 took semi-tipper 70k liter load of potatoes to gunther sell point for $93k, budget now $406k
0458 night was setting in-game time it was getting dark, I was getting tired in real life time, decided to call it a day when about 20% of F51 was done heh
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