Developer Diary PMC Iowa Garden City 8km FS19 - PMC Farming

2021-04-28 Vegetation Object Placement

2021-04-28T15:40:00Z New editing day has started, continuing adding vegetation objects. Just added days first batch of trees to one farm yard.

Hopefully today I get some serious damage done for this tree object placement, Elite Dangerous odyssey alpha phase 4 just started so I have to check that out but I don't think it will take much of my time today.

2021-04-28T16:31:00Z Several farm yards tree object placement done now, but feels like a struggle. Right now in fact I'll take a quick break to check out that mentioned Elite Dangerous odyssey alpha phase 4, this is the life with editing burnout heh.

2021-04-28T22:22:00Z Finally back placing trees after several hours break checking out Elite Dangerous odyssey alpha and other things. Hopefully I could get at least few farm yards done. Gotta take screenshots now again to feel like I'm making some progress, heh.

PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary

And another farm yard trees done.

PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary

And another ...

PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary

Once I get into the editing flow, these farm yard tree placements are getting done pretty quickly (one farm yard I mean).

Google/maps: PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary GE: PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary

2021-04-29T00:23:00Z Taking a lot of breaks, almost between each farm yard, however doing progress slowly but surely.

PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary

Here is the progress report, color codes red is trees not yet placed, black placed.

PMC Iowa Garden City 8km Terrain, Developer Diary

This is the hilarious age old thing with terrain editing: never zoom out... heh.

For those who don't know, it means that when you are closely zoomed into terrain editor and place objects etc, you do good work and feel good about yourself that oh wow this will be done in no time, but then you zoom out and are shocked to see you have still incredible amount of work left to do which completely demoralizes you that "boohooo I never gonna get this done!" Smiley :)

In 2019 when I placed objects into the initial terrain version which later got re-designed, I have faint recollection that it took like a week of hard work almost 16hrs a day. Unfortunately I don't have any dates or such detailed info about it, I might be able to dig up something from PMC discord.

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