Changelog for PMC North Dakota Greendale 4km terrain. See known issues from bottom of this page.
- first day of farming simulator 19 terrain editing (greendale was first). unfortunately I did not write changelogs :-(
- still FS19 terrain editing, every day, 16hrs a day ...
- today was the first day I started to write changelogs for FS19 terrain editing, I suck :-(
- north dakota 4km, south west sales grill is under the farm house hehe
- north dakota 4km, weight density images back to proper sizes for 4km terrain size
- north dakota 4km, F36 SW edge has trees in the field, the cultivator density was painted wrongly
- north dakota 4km, F36 SW edge has trees in the road
- north dakota 4km, check that trees are not on fields. for example F22
- north dakota 4km, trees extremely close to road in F24 SE corner or south east sale point SE corner
- north dakota 4km, terrain W edge has cultivated land for like 5m or so, cleaned in gimp and changed cultivated to plowed
- north dakota 4km, roads are painted free hand, did them with splines
- north dakota 4km, weight density images resize part 2
- north dakota 4km, F33 trees on the field
- north dakota 4km, added terrain_boundaries
- north dakota 4km, vehicle shop clip distance set to 1 million
- north dakota 4km, name_sound.* setup added
- north dakota 4km, player farm dirt road spline done
- north dakota 4km, new sale point for central added
- north dakota 4km, sale point central road spline done
- north dakota 4km, field definitions and cultivated land is really out of sync
- north dakota 4km, added more trees to treelines as they had huge gaps in them
- north dakota 4km, field crossed treeline, split to two fields
- north dakota 4km, farmlands ID painting tweak
- north dakota 4km, player farm objects moved to placeable system
- north dakota 4km, farm silo total capacity increased to 25 million liters per crop type by using my own farmSiloLarge.xml
- fs19 real world data terrains deleted due mercator projection error :(
- north dakota 4km, kmz exported
- north dakota 4km, terra incognita map source -> openstreetmap -> zoom level 500km
- north dakota 4km, terra incognita file -> load waypoints,tracks -> kmz
- north dakota 4km, terra incognita full screen, zoom into kmz black rectangle (8km is ok with openstreetmap 250m 4m/px but 16km is 500m 8m/px), draw selection rectangle
- north dakota 4km, terra incognita waypoints,tracks -> visible to disable kmz black rectangle
- north dakota 4km, terra incognita map source -> esri arcgis, zoom level 17
- north dakota 4km, terra incognita download oziexplorer map format
- north dakota 4km renamed to north dakota greendale 4km
- north dakota greendale 4km, global mapper open online data -> u.s. data -> united states elevation data (NED) (10m resolution)
- north dakota greendale 4km, global mapper export heightmap
- north dakota greendale 4km, global mapper open -> oziexplorer .map/.jpg satellite imagery
- north dakota greendale 4km, global mapper file -> export -> export raster/image format -> png -> file type 24-bit rgb, sample spacing 1, export to bounds -> crop to selected area feature(s)
- north dakota greendale 4km, l3dt file -> import -> heightfield, choose your heightmap.asc
- north dakota greendale 4km, l3dt operations -> heightfield -> resize heightfield, use 2049 for 4km and 4097 for 8km terrain etc
- north dakota greendale 4km, l3dt CTRL-E -> file format -> PNG -> map_dem.png
- north dakota greendale 4km, edit _run_generate_terrain_template_from_sample_data.bat for terrain name and run it
- north dakota greendale 4km, powergrep run FS19_terrain_class_name_i3d_xml.pga
- north dakota greendale 4km, execute _run_convert_gdm_to_png.bat
- north dakota greendale 4km, execute _run_convert_grle_to_png.bat
- north dakota greendale 4km, execute _run_delete_gdm_and_grle.bat
- north dakota greendale 4km, execute _run_graphicsmagick_FS19_weight_density_to_standard_4km.bat
- north dakota greendale 4km, open name.i3d in GE, do some basic cleaning up, save and exit
- north dakota greendale 4km, powergrep run FS19_png_to_gdm_grle.pga
- north dakota greendale 4km, execute _run_delete_gdm_and_grle_png_equivalents.bat
- north dakota greendale 4km, copy satellite texture to name/maps/pda_map.png, convert it to dds with _run_imagemagick_png_to_dds.bat OR use gimp and export as DDS
- north dakota greendale 4km, open global mapper satellite_texture, resize down to 4096, crop to 2048 x 1024 and save as name/map_preview.png, convert it to dds with _run_imagemagick_png_to_dds.bat
- north dakota greendale 4km, create copy to mods dir robocopy bat file and run it
- north dakota greendale 4km, try in-game, check error log.txt and if there is errors fix them then loop this until log is error free
- north dakota greendale 4km, create backup bat, run it the first time
- north dakota greendale 4km, replace GoogleEarthPlane/back_of_sign_a.pngG with satellite texture, 4096 resolution
- north dakota greendale 4km, GE file -> import -> GoogleEarthPlane/back_of_sign_a.i3d set scale x and z to 4096 or 8192 depending on terrain size
- north dakota greendale 4km, align careerstartpoint to players farm or suitable location
- north dakota greendale 4km, import prefabs/FS19_vehicleShop_prefab and the triggers, also name.xml hotspot coordinates correctly
- north dakota greendale 4km, Adding Selling Points
- north dakota greendale 4km, GE scripts -> fs19 -> map -> create ground collision map, then copy name.i3d.plcColMap.grle to name.i3d.plcMap.grle
- north dakota greendale 4km, open satellite in gimp, create fields layer and paint fields as some bright color like red
- north dakota greendale 4km, resize to 4096, background RGB 0,0,0 and red color to RGB 1,0,0 export to cultivator_density.png
- north dakota greendale 4km, RGB 0,0,0 to RGB 130,0,0 and RGB 1,0,0 to RGB 0,0,0 export to fruit_density.png
- north dakota greendale 4km, powergrep run FS19_gdm_grle_to_png.pga
- north dakota greendale 4km, GE load name.i3d and verify that fields are painted without grass in them, save
- north dakota greendale 4km, import fields_template, create only one field for now
- north dakota greendale 4km, once the first field is working, do backups and then create rest of the fields :)
- north dakota greendale 4km, draw splines for roads, asfalt and dirt/gravel
- north dakota greendale 4km, copy SRTM map_dem.png into name/name_dem.png
- north dakota greendale 4km, align vehicle shop and sale points to the ground
- north dakota greendale 4km, paint detail texture layer, farms etc locations
- north dakota greendale 4km, remove grass from roads
- north dakota greendale, dirt gravel road has wrong ground texture
- north dakota greendale, farmland ID 1 (maybe?) the players farm area is included in one actual field land lot in NW
- north dakota greendale, F06 SE part is mis-aligned with cultivator_density and satellite imagery
- north dakota greendale, move sale point 5 to SE location which is empty
- north dakota greendale players farm objects placed in ge, hardcoded way
- north dakota greendale, created players farm dirt road splines and painted the ground textures
- north dakota greendale, ge players farm objects transferred to placeable defaultitems.xml
- north dakota greendale 4km, placed objects four grain silos and a lot of forest rows
- north dakota greendale 4km, spruce_stage* trees replaced with mapleTree and volumeTree models. no spruces in real life north dakota
- north dakota greendale 4km, placed objects trees
- north dakota greendale 4km, painted bushes to foliage layer, first time to trying that, interesting to see how it looks in-game
- north dakota greendale 4km, experimented with road elevating and ditch creation using lua scripts, not really happy with the results
- north dakota greendale, gimp cultivator_density painted F04-F06 separate
- north dakota greendale, created forest splines and forests, few more tree lines
- north dakota greendale, bush01 foliage layer painting experiments in gimp and in ge
- north dakota greendale, removed trees from the fields
- north dakota greendale, removed trees from F30
- north dakota greendale string sale point replaced with selling point
- fs19 all terrains and PMC_FarmSilos modDesc.xml descVersion changed to 47
- north dakota greendale, density images need to be resized to 4096 to remove stutter
- north dakota greendale, two trees floating in the air NW of players farm
- north dakota greendale, F12 trees on the field, or is this an old bug report
- north dakota greendale, F60 north side, trees come basically to the road at least preventing seed hawk to be traveling there
- north dakota greendale, tree very close to road just west of F10
- north dakota greendale, trees on a F18 west side
- north dakota greendale, trees on a F27 NW corner on the road
- north dakota greendale, terrain edge blocks are missing
- north dakota greendale, farmland has duplicated ID used, F60, F61 and F63 are duped with NW fields
- north dakota greendale, tipcol is from mapUS I think, re-paint it
- north dakota greendale, cultivator_density color RGB, make sure the color RGB is CULTIVATED LAND not plowed
- north dakota greendale, realistic heightmap added (heightScale)
- north dakota greendale, cultivator_density needs to be limited per field definition so that courseplay wont bug out
- north dakota greendale, main roads elevated with a script
- north dakota greendale, farm silo extensions are giants not PMC, replace them with PMC 1 million liter ones
- north dakota greendale, field definitions do not match cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F55 field definition overlaps road in the south west area
- north dakota greendale, paintable grass added to terrain.xml
- north dakota greendale, forest areaFill garbage must be deleted and recreated with proper scaling scripts
- north dakota greendale, residential building + cbj shed added to location-01 (S-SW)
- north dakota greendale, high voltage power lines does not have holes in cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, vehicle shop 3d model switched to american style building
- north dakota greendale, seasons mask added
- north dakota greendale, american flag pole added to players farm and location-01
- north dakota greendale, mapUS template _sound.i3d copied in (no ocean sounds)
- north dakota greendale, bushes painted to fruit_density in gimp
- north dakota greendale, utility poles created
- north dakota greendale, F40 field definition needs a hole patched for high volate power pole
- north dakota greendale, F40 cultivator_density overlaps elevated road
- north dakota greendale, align creek splines to ground and choose script values to lower the elevations
- north dakota greendale, creek edge elevations smoothed out
- north dakota greendale, creek road crossing smoothed and painted gravel on it
- north dakota greendale, vehicle shop teleport coord put you inside the building (cant get out)
- north dakota greendale, selling point 6 relocated to a better position
- north dakota greendale, PMC_Helpers deleted from testing/release version, its now external PMC_Helpers.i3d
- north dakota greendale, running packaging batch file and upload to google/drive testing
- north dakota greendale, F16 W side trees on field
- north dakota greendale, field definitions corner pieces added to several fields
- north dakota greendale, packaged v0.2 test version
- north dakota greendale, vehicle shop start end triggers place vehicles on the road and to the next field
- fs19 all terrains modDesc descVersion changed to 51.
- north dakota greendale, selling point 2 relocated to SE
- north dakota greendale, missing few buildings in E
- north dakota greendale, a little gravel at sell point 2 falls in to the creek
- north dakota greendale, road smoothing approches 3152,1274
- north dakota greendale, road smoothing approches 3952,1249
- north dakota greendale, F31 SW southern tip touches road
- north dakota greendale, missing few buildings in S
- north dakota greendale, selling point 5 relocated to S
- north dakota greendale, missing few buildings in just south of players farm
- north dakota greendale, field definitions numbers go off at 49, fixed
- north dakota greendale, F55 cultivator_density creeps into road elevation
- north dakota greendale, F13 SW corner creeps into the elevated road
- north dakota greendale, F10 south edge trees on a field
- north dakota greendale, F03 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F07 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F08 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F13 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F18 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F24 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F25 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F26 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F28 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F36 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F40 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F42 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F54 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F60 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F60 field definition corner piece added
- north dakota greendale, F61 field definition corner piece added
- north dakota greendale, F67 field definition corner pieces added
- north dakota greendale, F68 field definition creeps over the cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale, F68 field definition corner pieces added
- north dakota greendale, location 4 entry way road elevations are not smoothed out
- north dakota greendale, compiled v0.2.2 for testing
- north dakota greendale, gimp tree coverage red image painted
- north dakota greendale, trees too close to road in F55 S
- north dakota greendale, F54 has trees but I mistakenly painted cultivator_density all over it
- north dakota greendale, F54 field definition cracked open for cultivator_density tree holes
- north dakota greendale, treeline missing from F59 W
- north dakota greendale, I placed trees to F03 E but in real life it doesnt have many
- north dakota greendale, F54 east by high voltage power tower single tree missing
- north dakota greendale, F48 E single tree missing (cultivator_density edited as well)
- north dakota greendale, F38 N tree patches missing
- north dakota greendale, treeline missing beween F70 and F69
- north dakota greendale, selling point 5 location adjusted, again. placed in south central
- north dakota greendale, treeline missing beween F24 and F23
- north dakota greendale, treeline missing beween F22 and F23
- north dakota greendale, F42 center tree spot has one drunk tilted tree
- north dakota greendale, F42 center tree spot missing one tree. check satellite imagery
- north dakota greendale ran through testrunner, passed
- north dakota greendale precision farming soilmap painted on top of heightmap image
- north dakota greendale move selling points from terrain edges into more center area
- north dakota greendale tree vegetation object placement finished, had few leftover areas which now got done
- north dakota greendale shop buy vehicle start/end striggers points towards the building, move them AWAY from building
- north dakota greendale make sure farm bin silo accepts fertilizer, lime and seeds
- north dakota greendale roads ground textures missing from players farm yard
- north dakota greendale F07 south central (or south east) tree is extremely close to cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale F14 cultivator_density creeps into elevated road
- north dakota greendale F48 cultivator_density creeps into elevated road
- north dakota greendale cultivator_density image update from gimp source
- north dakota greendale field definitions updated for a new cultivator_density
- north dakota greendale field definitions more corner pieces added
- north dakota greendale F19 still has trees on it
- north dakota greendale F49 SW corner trees are tilted badly
- north dakota greendale F29 is cut off there is no easy semi-truck access to it
- north dakota greendale new farmer defaultVehicles.xml
- north dakota greendale new farmer players farm cbj building terrain detail ground textures painted concrete
- north dakota greendale dealership yard terrain detail ground textures painted concrete
- north dakota greendale dealership spawn point 1 is too close to the building
- north dakota greendale terrain detail texture under CBJ sheds must be made dirt instead of dry grass
- north dakota greendale roads terrain detail textures painted to rough dirt using 3 texture script
- north dakota greendale farmlands pricePerHa valua changed to 9500
- north dakota greendale farmlands owned player farm and F01 added to new farmer game-mode
- north dakota greendale created
- north dakota greendale few more field definition corner pieces created, against my better judgement
- north dakota greendale v1.2.4 first public release!
2021-01-10T00:43:00Z Updated.
- sell points are just unloading/dumping grill on the ground
- roads elevated and ditches script result needs L3DT careful heightmap smoothing
- two ponds missing
- some field entrances from elevated roads are missing