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Mods Cultivator Farming Simulator 22 - PMC Farming Simulator 22

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Mods Cultivator Farming Simulator 22

John Deere 2410 5 Section

v by . From modDesc:


Notes: 2022-01-13T01:33:51Z tested, no errors and seem to work good, 18km/h cultivator.

sharemods.com, fs19.lt

Case IH Vertical Tillage 335

v by Tyson Diniz. From modDesc:


Notes: The Case IH Vertical Tillage 335 is a vertical tillage tool designed to compete directly with the John Deere 2660VT, and Landoll 7400VT, in game it functions as a cultivator. This mod was originally created by LR for Farming Simulator 19.

Errors in the log:

FS22_CaseIH_Vertical_Tillage_335.zip, tysondiniz.me

Sunflower 6631 VT 36ft

v by Owen Smeby. From modDesc:



Errors in the log:

FS22_Sunflower6631_VT.zip, facebook.com

Flexicoil ST820 Multifunction

v1.0 by Hispano. From modDesc: Working width: 24 meters, - Working speed: 17 km/h, - Necessary power: 500 HP.


Notes: 2023-09-05T18:08:00Z Tested no errors, no issues. Has cultivator and subsoiler configuration which actually changes the shank tips between shovels and whatever digger ripper type spikes subsoiler has, also rollers and springys on the back can be changed but that is just cosmetic. I really like this cultivator vs subsoiler option, it is really nice. Only thing about these two configs is that there is no way to tell which one you have, name and icon are the same, only way to tell is to walk up to the implement and check the shovels vs shanks tips. Subsoiler unfortunately generates cultivated texture even though field state changes to plowed, its misleading if you specifically aim to plow a field, you can look at the field in 3D distance and say hey that is cultivated field, you actually have to walk into it and look additional field info box or check mapview for plow state.

FS22_Flexicoil_ST820_MultiFunction.zip, Giants Modhub

Flexicoil ST820

v1.0 by GIANTS Software. From modDesc: Required power: 500 hp, Max. working speed: 15 km/h, Working width: 24.0m.


Notes: 2023-09-05T18:19:00Z Tested (no errors? no issues? I hope). This mod has no options, shanks has those shovel tips and springys in the rear, basic simple giants flexicoil ST820, no more no less. Generates light brown manure alike field ground texture, not the traditional dark brown cultivated texture. Nothing wrong with giants ST820, but I just see no reason to use this when you have "Flexicoil ST820 Multifunction" mod available.

FS22_flexiCoilST820.zip, Giants Modhub

Case IH Tiger-Mate 255 Field Cultivator

v1.0 by Custom. From modDesc: Work Width: 18,2 Meters(60-ft), Power requirement: 470 to 600 HP (depends terrain condition).


Notes: 2023-09-05T20:19:00Z Tested no errors, no issues. Works as inted, nice cultivator with dark brown field ground texture.

FS22_TigerMate255.zip, Giants Modhub

Bourgault SPS360-40

v1.0 by GIANTS Software. From modDesc: Working width: 12.2 m, Required power: 385 hp, Max. working speed: 15 km/h.


Notes: 2023-09-05T17:43:00Z Tested no errors, no issues. This is a cultivator so it creates that dark brown field ground texture color instead of most disc harrows and such which do the light brown almost manure alike texture.

FS22_bourgaultSps360_50.zip, Giants Modhub

Horsch Cruiser 12 XL

v1.0 by Tarczi007. From modDesc: Required power: 500 hp, Working width: 12.0 m, Max. working speed: 15 km/h.


Notes: 2023-09-05T17:56:00Z Tested no errors, no issues. Slightly strange the dealership options menu, you can switch between two types of "wheel brand", however "wheel setup" is grayed out in both of them, err why add wheel setup if you cant change it, hehe.

FS22_Cruiser_12_XL.zip, Giants Modhub

Great Plains Field Cultivator 8336FCF

v1.0 by LR. From modDesc: Working widths (10.9 m (36 ft), -Number of Sweeps OF(61), -Weight(approx lbs)(13.700)Kg(6.200), -Power requirement (190+).


Notes: 2023-09-05T18:30:00Z Tested no errors, no issues. Generates stubble tillage that light brown manure alike field ground texture, depending on original field stage. 2024-06-16T00:33:00Z however as testing it just now on a contract field, great plains field cultivator 8336FCF generated deep cultivator dark black dirt color field surface, hmm hmm.

FS22_GreatPlains_8336FCF.zip, Giants Modhub

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