Mods Combine Harvester Farming Simulator 19 - PMC Farming

Mods Combine Harvester for Farming Simulator 19 (FS19) by PMC. Combine harvesters are vehicles to harvest your field crops. There are two types of harvesters, grain harvesters which are so called regular harvesters and root crop harvesters which are used to harvest sugar beets and potatoes for example. In Farming Simulator 19 mods you also have various more unique harvesters which do carrots, onions etc all kinds of fruits, but overall regular grain and root crop are the commonly used harvester types.

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Mods Combine Harvester

Please note that in order to use combine harvester you also need a harvester header to cut the crop. Some of the root crop harvester machines have built-in headers.

ACGO Ideal Combine

v by Custom. From modDesc:

Notes: Great grain tank capacity and the extended unloading auger pipe is awesome to use with Midwest Durus 18m header (auger wagon unloading would not work otherwise).

Errors in the log:

FS19_CM_IDEAL (Version: (Hash: c6845611f97ae0ff19f5305784c73e79) causes log warning of:
Warning: Wheel brand 'MICHELLIN' is not defined for 'vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(1)'!

CaseIH 1660

v by . From modDesc:

Required addons: CaseIH 1030 Cutter.
